Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Letter Recieved 11/18/09

Hey Mom,

I am glad to hear that you enjoyed Arkansas and to see that the Taliban men didn't get you haha. But that is what Nova Scotia looks like super green and really hilly which you think is nice but really isn't. When you have to walk up and down hills all day its just never fun at all. Especially since Elder Willis is 6 feet tall so he obviously has a long leg span and makes to where I have to run to keep up with him. Haha and then at the end of the night he can never comprehend why I am so tired. I always respond Elder Willis I am getting fatter and fat people don't like to run all day.
I am still laughing at two things that one Kea was afraid of the dead cat. And two that Joe walked up on a officer he is lucky he didn't get tazed or something.
We haven't gotten our package yet unfortunately Canadians don't like to work so getting mail you really feel the pains of that.
But today was a good day I was sitting in the Temple and I look up to see Elder Trump walking in and I was like what the crap is he doing here. Well I guess the Aps had him go on exchanges with them so they came here so they could go to the temple. So I was able to talk to him for quite a while. And then caught up on Beus and found out he is still doing really good.
But this week has been a good but hard week alot of our investigators got antied. So we were dropped by quite a few people. But we are still teaching Gary and his wife. So it wasn't to horrible. But I figure rejection and being dropped is apart of this life and I might as well get use to it. It just means we need to work harder and be more focused and I know everything else will be taken care of. But love ya tons hopefully you guys have a good week love Elder Davis.

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